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Gliding in the wind: nature's approach to death and life

Gliding in the wind: nature's approach to death and life
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Nature treats death as a normal occurrence, the foundation of the all-important cycle, it celebrates the ease with which creatures accept their passing. Just as the lush and variegated colours of summer and fall are gradually being exchanged for the sharp and cold monochromes of winter, life is ebbing away with striking beauty. There is sadness in death, but also the possibility of eliciting from death a beauty that transforms it into something positive.

Illustrated guide to biopolymers: structural elements of biological systems

Illustrated guide to biopolymers: structural elements of biological systems
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This is my favourite leisure activity: pulling together information I find of natural materials, processes, systems and trying to understand them by using visual tools. Because, you know, as designers, we learn visually. Or so the urban legend goes. One of the most popular things I hear design students say is how complicated and out of reach they think biology is.

There is a common misconception that once you have chosen the path of designer, a path of science is closed for you once and for all.

I would love nothing more than to dispute this myth. Let’s start with materials.

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